Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Hiii guysss!!! So today i want to share some recipe on how to make a simple beehoon goreng. Hopefully you guys can follow the recipe. GOOD LUCK!

Ingredients that you need:
2 tablespooncooking oil
100 gprawns, cleaned and deveined
100 gsquid, cleaned and cut crosswise into rings
50 gcarrot, grated
100 gcabbage, washed and sliced
100 gmustard leaves, washed and sliced
A:(Blended Ingredients)
5 clovesgarlic
1 cloveshallot
50 gdried chillies, pre-soaked to soften and drained
2 tablespoonTomato Ketchup
1 tablespoonMAGGI CukupRasa
50 mlwater
400 gbeehoon (cut), washed, soaked (to soften) and drained
red chilli, sliced
calamansi lime, halved
spring onion, chopped
How to cook?
1. Stir-fry ingredient A until the oil separates. Add in prawns and squid.
2. Add water and beehoon and stir until all ingredients are well combined.
3. Add carrots, cabbage and mustard leaves. Stir thoroughly.
4. Add in the rest of ingredient B and give it one good stir before serving.

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