Tuesday, December 11, 2018


This pretty girl over here, her name was Selena Gomez . She is my first 'girl' idol and i really admire her <3 I've been a fan of her for a long time and i hope that i can meet her . One day there's a news telling that she is going to do a concert tour all around the world and KL is in the list !!! I was so happy, excited and nervous at the same time . I ask may parents to go to the concert and my parents gave me the green light ! So my mom helped me purchasing the ticket for me and my sister since she is also a big fan of  SELENA GOMEZ <3 

This is the printed ticket and i put it in a frame after the concert ends because it is very precious to me and i want to keep it properly heheheh. 

 Me and my sister we came 2 hours earlier , so after we took some photos and buy a few merchandise, we sit near queue line and wait there until the gate of the stadium has open. While waiting, i heard a lot of people screaming excitedly, and all of them are wearing selena gomez t-shirt, cap and some of them are holding the lightstick :D

And finallyyyyyyy I'm in and it started !!!!!!!! Her intro was so amazing and we all are very excited when she came on the stage . The whole stadium shouted so loud and i still didn't believe that i finally got to meet her and shared the same air !!! :') She is sooooo beautiful and she greet us and she said that she is so happy to finally get to meet her malaysian fans :') 

She sang my favourite song 'Come & Get It" with different kind of version which is we all love it so much because it sound so good <3 Selena and her dancers they all nailed it that night :') All the fans are so happy and satisfied . Selena also says and the ending that she will come back and she love all of us so much :')  It was the best night for me and my sister !

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