Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Kimbap (김밥) is a Korean food made from white rice (bap) and added with various ingredients and rolled in a dry seaweed layer (kim / gim). Think of it as a roll of rice.
There is Kimbap in Korea, and there are Sushi in Japan. In contrast, Kimbap rice added with sesame oil, sushi plus vinegar. Filling is different.

Among the compulsory ingredients that are placed in ginger are and test, omelet, crab stick, cheese, vegetables such as spinach, carrot and cucumber. Then place the choice of tuna, tempura shrimp, chicken and meat to make it Taste of Tuna, Kimbap Udang and so on.

Often the kimbap is served with kimchi or and tested.

In the entry of Aya share step by step and the materials needed to make the Temas Tomb Homemade.

Actually, I like to eat Tempura Prawn Kimbap, because the day is eating in Seoul deliciously?

In short, the ingredients needed are:

Sushi rice
Kimbap Laver (Seaweed)
Tuna In Water (Ayam Brand)
Danmuji (White Raddish Pickle)
Sesame Seed
Sesame Oil
Pepper Powder
Soya Soyap (dipping)

Step 1: Cook the Rice

- 2 cups Sushi Rice
- 2.5 cups water to cook rice
- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Salt

Preparation steps:
- Soak 2 cups Sushi Rice + 2.5 cups water for 30 minutes and then bring in the rice cooker and cook it as usual.
- When cooked, remove it into another container and add salt and sesame oil. Mix well.

Tips: salt can also be added when cooking rice. If you add it during cooking, you do not have to add it after cooking. Later high blood uolls?

Step 2: Make Filling Tuna Mayo

- 1 tin Tuna In Water (which tastes better)
- Mayonnaise to taste
- Sugar to taste
- Salt to taste
- Black pepper powder to taste
- Powdered white pepper to taste

Preparation steps:
- Remove all tuna water, make sure the dry fuse is capable. Put all ingredients together and mix well.

Step 3: Create a Compulsory Filling?

- Spinach
- Cucumber (preferably cucumber cucumber)
- Carrot
- Danmuji / Takuan

Preparation steps:
- Spinach: Take jak and boiled leaves with some drops of sesame oil.
- Cucumber: Sliced long.
- Carrot: Sliced thinly and cooked briefly. During cooking, place a little salt and blackpepper.

p.s: This is danmuji/takuan

Step 4: Make Daddy Eggs

- 3 Grad A eggs (if using egg grade B, C, add eggs quantity)
- Putu pepper powder
- Salt

- Make a regular omelette, cook and slice in 1.5cm wide.

Step 5: Prepare Seaweed Laver and Bamboo Mat
- Seaweed Laver you need to buy online with halal Korean food seller.
- Bamboo mats are available at Daiso. If you can not buy the size of kecik (time there is 2 size)
Decorative: Bijan Oil and Sesame Seed for decoration.

- Sesame oil
- Sesame Seed

Preparation method:
- Sesame seeds heat up in 1-2 minutes in microwave or boiled rice.
- Two of these materials are used for brooms and sowing after gimbal is ready to be rolled.

Decorative: Sesame oil and Sesame Seed for decoration.

- Sesame oil
- Sesame Seed
Preparation method:
- Sesame seeds heat up in 1-2 minutes in microwave or boiled rice.
- Two of these materials are used for brooms and sowing after gimbal is ready to be rolled.
Step 6: Let's do Kimbap

- After all the ingredients are ready, then we start rolling.
- Before rolling, prepare the seaweed laver and place it on a bamboo mat.
- The seaweed laver has two faces: one rough, one shiny. Make sure that shiny ones are on the lower side, which is roughly on top. 
-Okay, where is the rice. Do not get too much time to become so fat, thin enough and leave the room up to 1-2 inches down, leaving a little space so that he can stick around.
- Spread the rice first, then just keep it tight.

Step 7: Put the filling

- Okay, come on tips to arrange the filling so it's fun to roll.
1. Starting cucumber and eggs. Spacing in 1 inch. (The hard materials of the retaining wall on the edges)
2. Then place spinach, radish and tuna mayonnaise between cucumber and egg.
3. On top of the tuna may be placed and tested.

Step 8: Roll roll roll Kimbap

- When starting to roll, hold the end of the bamboo and other fingers touched the cucumber.
- If you not hold it, it will be down.
Step 9: Continue to work on the roll

- When it comes to this, take a hand mat in the skate so that the rice and filling are united and solid. Use two hands
- So just press and open the top mat tu slowly (this time see the bottom of the seaweed we leave 1 inch it is attached to the top rice)
- It's still time to press it again until it feels it's solid and it's possible to reopen the mats and tada! Kimbap is DONE!

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