Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Using Plants in Your Home Part 5 :: Fairy Gardens, They Aren’t Just for Little Old Ladies

Have you seen all the adorable miniature garden ideas?  Containers of some sort (wood boxes, planters, drawers, wheel barrows, bird baths…) hold a little scene full of tiny living plants along with little adornments like garden benches, hardscapes and paths.  They are absolutely enchanting for all ages and how fun to shop the house and find special little things to decorate your tiny garden whether indoors or out.
BHG :: Stop the world!
My small attempt at a miniature garden happened in the big planter. I bought some plants that started off tiny and crossed my fingers.  Of course, with my luck, the plants grew tremendously.  I knew that the creeping fig would take off but, I figured I could try to make a little tent like topiary to help support it.  After a few months, the plants have taken over and you can’t see much of the Foo dogs and their play land.  I guess I could cut them back but who am I kidding, I’m not going to be doing that.
The photo above is from a few months ago…
And today?  You are lucky to find both dogs.  So I needed to research the best plants to use for a Fairy Garden and I thought I’d share what I found–just a few links to some great resources (be sure to click on them to learn more) and just enough photos to make you want to curse me because now you are deciding that it’s imperative for you to create a fairy garden immediately.
Janit @ Two Green Thumbs
Not only can you plant real, live tiny plants in your garden.  Consider little succulent cuttings planted in little baskets, urns and tiny pots. Be still my beating heart!  Check out Janit’s etsy shop for more ideas– and if you are really ambitious, you can buy a 20 minute phone session with Janit.

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